
Xiaojun Yao
Research Assistant Professor (2022-)
Open quantum systems
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory
Quarkonia and jets in high energy collisions
Eigenstate thermalization

Dorota Grabowska
Research Assistant Professor (2022-)
Quantum Simulations of Quantum Field Theories
Elementary Particle Physics

Kenneth Roche
Affiliate Associate Professor
Staff Scientist @ PNNL
High Performance Computing
Quantum Monte Carlo
Fundamentals of Computing
Quantum many-body simulations

David B. Kaplan
Senior Fellow in the Institute for Nuclear Theory
Professor of Physics
Co-PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation
dbkaplan@uw.edu | (206) 685-3546
Entanglement and Symmetries
Lattice gauge field theory for classical computing and quantum devices

Martin J. Savage
Professor of Physics
PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS)
Senior Fellow in the Institute for Nuclear Theory (on 5-year leave)
Quantum Simulations of Standard Model physics
Entanglement in many-body systems, neutrinos, and strong interactions
Lattice QCD for Nuclei
Effective Field Theories

Silas R. Beane
Professor of Physics
Co-PI: InQubator for Quantum Simulation
Entanglement in Few-Body Systems
Geometric Quantum Mechanics
Lattice Gauge Theory for Nuclear Physics
Effective Field Theory for Nuclear and Atomic Physics