Many-body Quantum Magic (MBQM-2025)
Organizers: Tobias Haug (TII, UAE), Caroline Robin (Bielefeld University , Germany), Emanuele Tirrito (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), and Xhek Turkeshi (University of Cologne, Germany)
Nonstabilizerness, also called “magic”, is an expensive ingredient needed to power universal quantum computers. The resource theory of magic characterizes the cost of preparing quantum states and running quantum algorithms. Recently, there has been tremendous interest in understanding the complexity of quantum systems using the resource theory of magic. This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers in the field to foster collaborations and discussions.
This workshop includes topics such as: 1) the magic of quantum many-body systems; 2) Resource theory of magic; 3) Resource cost of (quantum) algorithms; 4) Experimental study of magic; 5) (Quantum) algorithms for generating, learning, and certifying magic; 6) Magic of (fault-tolerant) quantum computers and simulators