
Many-Body Quantum Magic (MBQM-2025)

Organizers: Tobias Haug (TII, UAE), Caroline Robin (Bielefeld University , Germany), Emanuele Tirrito (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), and Xhek Turkeshi (University of Cologne, Germany)


The “Workshop on Many-Body Quantum Magic” aims to delve into the complex and fascinating resource of nonstabilizerness, or “magic,” a vital and expensive resource for quantum computation that enables quantum computers to surpass classical systems.

Recent progress in measuring and analyzing magic now allows for discussing the generation, manipulation, and quantification of magic in extensive quantum systems, directly informing strategies to reduce runtime overhead in quantum computing and quantum simulation. In addition, understanding magic in quantum many-body systems, its interplay with entanglement and relations with physical phenomena, provide new fundamental insights on the structure and dynamics of matter, and can guide the development of new methods and algorithms that are computationally more efficient.

This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers various fields of quantum information, quantum computing, quantum simulation and many-body physics to foster discussions and collaborations on topics related to magic.

Subjects to be explored include: 1) the magic of quantum many-body systems and interplay with entanglement; 2) Resource theory of magic; 3) Resource cost of (quantum) algorithms; 4) Experimental study of magic; 5) (Quantum) algorithms for generating, learning, and certifying magic; 6) Magic of (fault-tolerant) quantum computers and simulators.

Format and scope: The workshop will have a lightly-planned schedule, with ~ three talks per day and plenty of time for interaction and collaboration between participants. In addition, there will be focussed “rump sessions” throughout both weeks.

Book Event

Many-body Quantum Magic (MBQM-2025)

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Aug 18 - 29 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Institute for Nuclear Theory
Institute for Nuclear Theory
Pacific and 15th

Other Locations

University of Washington PHYS/ASTR Building, Seattle, WA 98195


Magic2025 Organizers: Tobias Haug (TII, UAE), Caroline Robin (Bielefeld University , Germany), Emanuele Tirrito (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), and Xhek Turkeshi (University of Cologne, Germany)
Magic2025 Organizers: Tobias Haug (TII, UAE), Caroline Robin (Bielefeld University , Germany), Emanuele Tirrito (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), and Xhek Turkeshi (University of Cologne, Germany)