
Quantum Error Mitigation for Particle and Nuclear Physics (22-1b)

Organizers: Benjamin Nachman (LBNL), Christian Bauer (LBNL) , Wibe de Jong (LBNL), Kristan Temme (IBM), Abhinav Kandala (IBM) and Raphael Pooser (ORNL).

Error mitigation is critical for near term applications of nuclear and particle physics on quantum computers. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a diverse cross-section of researchers from universities, national laboratories, and technology companies to address key challenges for achieving error reduction on near term devices. One important goal will be to identify important benchmark problems in particle and nuclear physics that can run on current hardware. Many problems in nuclear and particle physics have a resolution parameter (e.g. number of lattice sites) which can be dialed up to make solutions more precise and the corresponding quantum circuits naturally longer and more challenging to run. In order to compare different error mitigation approaches, it is essential to have common test cases of widespread importance.

Another aspect of this workshop will be to review existing approaches in initialization, gate, and readout error mitigation. In particular, we will study which approaches have been applied to particle and nuclear physics problems and which ones have not yet been applied, but may be useful. Furthermore, we will identify which tools may be adapted for further development particularly for nuclear and particle  physics problems including the incorporation of circuit structure [1], underlying symmetries [2], etc. Tools developed for and from [3] particle and nuclear physics may also have a wider applicability to other science and industrial applications of quantum computing. There is also an interplay between quantum computing errors and errors introduced from the approximations made in any calculation. Such errors are the result of field digitization [4], spacetime digitization, a finite spacetime volume, etc.[1] 2102.10008
[2] Nature Communications 11(2020) 636
[3] npj Quantum Information 6 (2020) 84
[4] Phys. Rev. A 99 (2019) 052335

Note (1) : This workshop will be hybrid inperson and virtual.

Note (2) : In-person attendees are required to provide proof of vaccination upon arrival.


Confirmed Participants: Christian Bauer (LBNL, in-person), Ewout van den Berg (IBM, in person), Fernando Calderon-Vargas (Sandia, in person),    Patrick Dreher (NCSU, in-person),  Andrew Eddins (IBM, in person),   Sanmay Ganguly (Tokyo, virtual), Alaina Green (JQI+UMD, in person),  Erik Gustafson (FNAL, virtual),  Zheyue Hang (Iowa, virtual),  Abhinav Kandala (IBM, in person), Youngseok Kim (IBM, virtual),  Oriel Kiss (CERN, virtual),  Sam McArdle (Amazon, in-person),  Yannick Meurice (Iowa, virtual),  Zlatko Minev (IBM, in person), Doga Murat Kurkcuoglu (FNAL, virtual), Andy C. Y. Li (FNAL, virtual),  Antonio Mezzacapo (IBM, in person), James Mulligan (UCB, virtual),  Benjamin Nachman (LBNL, virtual), Baris Ozguler (FNAL, in person), Vincent R. Pascuzzi (BNL, virtual),  Gabriel Perdue (FNAL, virtual), Bhavna Prasad (IISER, virtual),  Mohan Sarovar (Sandia, in-person),  Vasily Sazonov (Saclay, virtual),  Prasanth Shyamsundar (FNAL, in person),   Koji Terashi (Tokyo, virtual)

Local IQuS Participants:  Fabio Anza, Ramya Bhaskar, Stephan Caspar, Ivan Chernyshev, Anthony N Ciavarella, Henry Froland, Jeremy Hartse, Marc Illa, Zhiyao Li, Martin Savage.

IQuS Administrator: Katie Hennessey

Exit Report

Hourly Schedule

Monday May 09

9.45am - 10.00m
Welcome to IQuS
IQus, INT and Workshop Organizers
10.00am - 11.30am
5 min Lightning Talks by Participants
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Keynote Talk
Suguro Endo

Tuesday May 10: CNOT and Readout Errors

10..00am - 11.00am
CNOT and Readout Errors
Ewout van den Berg (IBM)
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Group Discussion
Interaction Room

Wednesday May 11: Coherent Vs Stochastic Errors

10.00am - 11.00am
Coherent Vs Stochastic Errors
Mohan Sarovar (Sandia)
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Group Discussion
Interaction Room

Thursday May 12: From Error Mitigation to Error Correction

10.00am - 11.00am
From Error Mitigation to Error Correction
Alaina Green (Maryland)
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Group Discussion
Interaction Room

Friday May 13: HEP / NP Specific Mitigation Schemes

HEP / NP Specific Mitigation Schemes
Christian Bauer (LBNL)
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Group Discussion
Interaction Room


May 09 - 13 2022


US West Coast Time Zone
All Day


Institute for Nuclear Theory
Institute for Nuclear Theory
Pacific and 15th

Other Locations

Cyber Space
Cyber Space
University of Washington PHYS/ASTR Building, Seattle, WA 98195


QEC Team - Benjamin Nachman, Christian Bauer, Wibe de Jong, Kristan Temme, Abhinav Kandala and Raphael Pooser.