At the Interface of Quantum Sensors and Quantum Simulations (22-3b)
Organizers: Doug Beck (UIUC), Natalie Klco (Caltech), Crystal Noel (UMD) and Joel Ullom (NIST)
The tools for control and manipulation of quantum systems are advancing rapidly. In this workshop we focus on quantum sensors, simulation platforms and simulations. Sensing in the form of detection plays an essential role in all quantum simulations; the tools of the simulation platforms are increasingly being used as sensors. We will explore their common characteristics and the ways in which developments in one area can benefit those in the other.
Note: This workshop will be in-person only (with COVID precautions as appropriate)
Confirmed participants include:
Ulrik Andersen (Denmark TU), Rainer Blatt (Innsbruck), Ken Brown (Duke), Cheng Chin (Chicago), Aaron Chou (FNAL), Zohreh Davoudi (Maryland), Robert (Hsin-Yuan) Huang (Caltech), Cinthia Huerte Alderete (LANL), David Leibrandt (NIST Boulder), Sara Mouradian (Washington), Guido Pagano (Rice), Raphael Pooser (ORNL), Dmitry Pushin (Waterloo), Giulia Semeghini (Harvard), Alen Senanian (Cornell), Alice Sinatra (ENS), Danielle Speller (Hopkins), Tanya Zelevinsky (Columbia), Mengzhen Zhang (Chicago), Sisi Zhou (Caltech), Quntao Zhuang (Arizona), Peter Zoller (Innsbruck)
Hourly Schedule
Monday, November 7 - Chair: Natalie Klco
- 9.45am - 10.00am
- Welcome and Introduction
- Natalie Klco (Duke University) and Martin Savage (UW/IQuS)
- 10.00am
- Visions of simulation and sensing: variational optimizations for Interferometry with entangled arrays
- Peter Zoller (Innsbruck)
- 2.00pm
- Visions of simulation and sensing: programmable entanglement of multi‐ion sensors for optimal metrology
- Rainer Blatt (Innsbruck)
Tuesday, November 8 - Chair: Doug Beck
- 10.00am
- Sensing beyond shot noise: magneto optics to plasmonics
- Raphael Pooser (ORNL)
- 2.00pm
- Distributed quantum sensing in continuous‐ variable entangled networks
- Ulrik Andersen (DTU)
Wednesday, November 9 - Chair: Natalie Klco
- 10.00am
- Quantum spin liquids and topological order for quantum simulation/sensing
- Guilia Semeghini (Harvard)
- 2.00pm
- Hybrid digital‐analog quantum simulations
- Zohreh Davoudi (UMD)
Thursday, November 10 - Chair: Doug Beck
- 10.00am
- Designing entangled sensor networks and error correction for distributed quantum sensing
- Quntao Zhuang (USC)
- 2.00pm
- Achieving sensing limits in noisy environments: error correction for quantum metrology
- Sisi Zhou (Caltech)
- 3.00pm
- Coffee
- 3.30pm
- Enhanced quantum sensing with bosonic quantum systems
- Mengzhen Zhang (Chicago)
Friday, November 11 - Chair: Natalie Klco
- 10.00am
- Learning response functions: data‐driven quantum sensor design
- Cinthia Huerta Alderete (LANL)
- 2.00pm
- Rump Session
Monday, November 14 - Chair: Doug Beck
- 9.45am - 10.00am
- Introduction
- Doug Beck and Martin Savage
- 10.00am
- Some recent use cases for quantum sensors and measuring the effects of background radiation on quantum circuits
- Joel Ullom (Colorado/NIST)
- 2.00pm
- Next‐generation atomic clocks: connections to quantum simulation and sensing
- David Leibrandt (NIST)
Tuesday, November 15 - Chair: Joel Ullom
- 10.00am
- Quantum sensing of time‐dependent signals and arrays of single‐ion traps
- Sara Mouradian (UW)
- 2.00pm
- Analog quantum simulations with trapped ions
- Guido Pagano (Rice)
- 3.00pm - 3.30pm
- Coffee
- 3.30pm
- Digital quantum simulations and error correction with trapped ions
- Crystal Noel (Duke)
Wednesday, November 16 - Chair: Crystal Noel
- 10.00am
- Spin Squeezing in an atomic ensembles: could we use the nuclear spins of a helium‐3 gas at room temperature for quantum memories or quantum metrology?
- Alice Sinatra (ENS)
- 2.00pm
- Quantum Many‐Body Chemistry and SU(1,1) interferometry
- Cheng Chin (Chicago)
- 3.30pm
- Quantum learning for many‐body Hamiltonians
- Robert Huang (Caltech)
Thursday, November 17 - Chair: Joel Ullom
- 10.00am
- Quantum metrology for particle detection
- Aaron Chou (FNAL)
- 2.00pm
- Optical processors for quantum simulation and sensing
- Alen Senanian (Cornell)
- 3.00pm - 3.30pm
- Coffee
- 3.30pm
- Neutron interferometry for metrology
- Dmitry Pushin (Waterloo/NIST)
Friday, November 18 - Chair: Crystal Noel
- 10.00am
- Open discussion
- All
- 2.00pm
- Open discussion
- All