Quantum Simulation and Computing with Long Ion Chains
Marko Cetina, The Duke Quantum Center at Duke University
To apply today’s quantum hardware to challenging problems, we need to efficiently use the available hardware while minimizing the effects of noise. I will present two target applications of individually-addressed long trapped-ion chains: studying the thermalization of a Z2 lattice gauge theory and demonstrating continuous symmetry breaking in near-ground states of the long-range 1D XY model [1]. The main noise in these experiments stems from axial motion of the ions [2]. I will discuss several ways to mitigate this, including tailored logical encoding [3], faster computation using a new expressive multi-qubit trapped-ion gate [4], sympathetic cooling [2], and optical trapping of ions.
[1] Feng et al., Nature, 623, 713-717 (2023)
[2] Cetina et al., PRX Quantum 3, 010334 (2022)
[3] Huang, Brown and Cetina, arXiv:2312.10851 (2023)
[4] Katz et al., Nat. Phys. 19, 1452 (2023)