| March 5, 2024

IQuS @ APS March Meeting

Nikita Zemlevskiy and Roland Farrell spoke at the APS March Meeting about their work on quantum simulations of quantum field theories, both scalar field theory and 1+1D QED, using more than 100 qubits of IBM’s quantum computers. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p31R9haSTKw

YouTube | February 16, 2024

IQuS’s YouTube Channel

IQuS now has a YouTube channel for you to watch seminars and presentations. https://www.youtube.com/@IQuS-ct2ru

https://www.ibm.com/quantum/summit-2023 | January 3, 2024

IBM Summit

Martin Savage is one of ten speakers presenting results at the “Utility Scale” using IBM’s quantum computers, at the 2023 IBM Summit, New York City, December 4 2023.

| December 17, 2023

Winter School on AMO

FEBRUARY 18 – 24, 2024 The field of quantum thermodynamics sits at the intersection of old-style thermodynamics and quantum information. Powerful realizable concepts on non-equilibrium many-body quantum thermodynamics are challenging the established thinking on ergodicity and thermalization. This school will give pedagogical as well as state-of-the-art introduction to such ideas.

hands on Quantum Computing at Jefferson Lab this summer | April 1, 2023

Quantum Computing Boot Camp at JLab

Students: gain hands-on experience in simulating complex quantum systems using quantum computers. Jefferson Laboratory is hosting a quantum computing bootcamp this June.