Hersh Singh


FermiLab Quantized Postdoctoral Fellow (2020-2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow at FermiLab (2023-)


Research Interests

Spin Systems
Quantum Algorithms
Quantum Computing


Ph.D. in Physics, Duke University (2014-2020)
B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2009-2014)


I am interested in studies of strongly coupled quantum field theories (QFTs), with applications to nuclear and high-energy physics, using the powerful tools of lattice field theory, effective field theory and quantum information science.

Some of my recent work is about qubit regularization of quantum field theories, with the goal of constructing regularizations of interesting QFTs suited for the quantum simulation of QFTs. Many of my projects use numerical tools such as Monte Carlo methods and tensor networks. I have also worked on applications of nuclear effective field theory in two-body and three-body nuclear systems.