Research Interests

Quantum Simulations of Standard Model physics
Entanglement in many-body systems, neutrinos, and strong interactions
Lattice QCD for Nuclei
Effective Field Theories


BSc University of Auckland (1984)
MSc University of Auckland (1985)
PhD California Institute of Technology (1990)


My scientific research activities are now focused on learning and applying quantum computing and quantum information theory to Grand Challenge problems in nuclear physics. The classical computing resources required for precise QCD (lattice) predictions in finite-density systems, in non-equilibrium systems, and in fragmentation are estimated to be beyond exascale, in general, due to sign problems in sampling the path integral and due to calculations being performed in Euclidean space. As a founding member of the NPLQCD lattice QCD collaboration (2004), we developed and applied lattice QCD techniques to perform calculations of light nuclei and few baryon systems. The precision of many such calculations are limited by the computational resources that are available, the need for which is determined, in part, by the signal-to-noise problem (a sign problem). Quantum computing offers the possibility of in the future computing finite density systems, both static and dynamic, in Minkowski space with high precision. With increasing access to quantum devices, we are developing algorithms for, and are performing simulations of, quantum field theories and nuclear effective field theories to solve these systems on quantum computers.

Select Educational Materials

Quantum Information and Simulation for Scientific Applications – Spring 2024 – PHYS 578A – Graduate Course in Physics Department

Lecture notes and homeworks from the Special Topics Course in Theoretical Physics on Quantum Simulation (Spring 2023).

Theoretical Nuclear Physics – 1999 – PHYS560 – Graduate Course in Physics Department

Further Select Publications:

Scalable Circuits for Preparing Ground States on Digital Quantum Computers: The Schwinger Model Vacuum on 100 Qubits, by Roland Farrell, Marc Illa, Anthony Ciavarella and Martin Savage, ePrint: 2308.04481 [quant-ph]

Preparations for quantum simulations of quantum chromodynamics in 1+1 dimensions. I. Axial gauge, by Roland Farrell, Ivan Chernyshev, Sarah Powell, Nikita Zemlevskiy, Marc Illa, Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. D 107 (2023) 5, 054512

Standard model physics and the digital quantum revolution: thoughts about the interface, by Natalie Klco, Alessandro Roggero and Martin Savage, Rept. Prog. Phys. 85 (2022) 6, 064301

Entanglement Rearrangement in Self-Consistent Nuclear Structure Calculations, by Caroline Robin and Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. C 103 (2021) 3, 034325

Entanglement Suppression and Emergent Symmetries of Strong Interactions, by Silas Beane, David Kaplan, Natalie Klco and Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 10, 102001

Quantum-classical computation of Schwinger model dynamics using quantum computers, by Natalie Klco, Eugene Dumitrescu, Alex McCaskey, Titus Morris, Raphael Pooser, Mikel Sanz, Enrique Solano, Pavel Lougovski and Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. A 98 (2018) 3, 032331

Proton-Proton Fusion and Tritium β-Decay from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics, by Martin Savage, Phiala Shanahan, Brian Tiburzi, Michael Wagman, Frank Winter, Silas Beane, Emmanuel Chang, Zohreh Davoudi, William Detmold and Kostas Orginos, (the NPLQCD lattice QCD collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 6, 062002

Ab initio Calculation of the np→dγ Radiative Capture Process, by Silas Beane, Emmanuel Chang, William Detmold, Kostas Orginos, Assumpta Parreno, Martin Savage and Brian Tiburzi, (the NPLQCD lattice QCD collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett.  115  (2015) 13, 132001

Light Nuclei and Hypernuclei from Quantum Chromodynamics in the Limit of SU(3) Flavor Symmetry, by Silas Beane, Emmanuel Chang, Saul Cohen, William Detmold, Huey-Wen Lin, Thomas Luu, Kostas Orginos, Assumpta Parreno, Martin Savage and André Walker-Loud., (the NPLQCD lattice QCD collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 3, 034506

Two-nucleon systems in a finite volume. II. 3S1​−3D1​ coupled channels and the deuteron, by Raul Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi, Tom Luu and Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 11, 114507

Multi-Pion Systems in Lattice QCD and the Three-Pion Interaction, by Silas Beane, Will Detmold. Tom Luu, Kostas Orginos and Martin Savage, (the NPLQCD lattice QCD collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 082004

Nucleon-nucleon scattering from fully-dynamical lattice QCD, by Silas Beane, Paulo Bedaque, Kostas Orginos and Martin Savage, Phys. Rev. Lett.  97  (2006) 012001

Nucleon-nucleon effective field theory without pions, by Jiunn-Wei Chen, Gautam Rupak and Martin Savage, Nucl.Phys.A 653 (1999) 386-412

A New expansion for nucleon-nucleon interactions, by David Kaplan, Martin Savage and Mark Wise (KSW), Phys.Lett.B 424 (1998) 390-396

The Spin flavor dependence of nuclear forces from large-N QCD, by David Kaplan and Martin Savage, Phys.Lett.B 365 (1996) 244-251

Neutrino Oscillations and the Leptonic Charge of the Universe, by Martin Savage, Robert Malaney and George Fuller, Astrophys.J. 368 (1991) 1-11

B→ Xs e+ e− in the six-quark model, by Benjamin Grinstein, Martin Savage, Mark Wise, Nucl.Phys.B 319 (1989) 271-290