Research Interests
Entanglement in Few-Body Systems
Geometric Quantum Mechanics
Lattice Gauge Theory for Nuclear Physics
Effective Field Theory for Nuclear and Atomic Physics
BA Lafayette College (1988)
PhD University of Texas at Austin (1994)
I am currently focused on understanding the role and relevance of quantum entanglement in two-body scattering and few-body physics generally. I have also been thinking about the role of entanglement in nucleon structure. In the past, my research has focused on deriving nuclear physics from the underlying theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). This relies both on numerical lattice QCD calculations of nuclear properties using high-performance computing, and the application of effective field theory methods both at the hadronic level and at the level of the nuclear structure. Recently, I have also been interested in (i) a way of thinking about QCD which is called light-front or null-plane QCD, which I believe provides novel insights regarding hadronic structure, and (ii) aspects of atomic physics at the interface of one, two and three spatial dimensions.