Research Interests
Bose-Einstein condensation
Chern-Simons-Yang-Mills lattice models
Stephan Caspar grew up in Switzerland, where he completed a Master in theoretical physics in 2013 with a thesis focused on collider physics. He obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Bern in 2018 for work on quantum real-time dynamics and lattice Chern-Simons theories, and remained there as a postdoctoral fellow before joining the University of Washington in October 2019. He is an outdoor enthusiast, focusing on hiking, skiing and camping.
Stephan Caspar works on the intersection of field theory and spin models, searching for regularizations of well-established continuum field theories in terms of lattice spin models. His focus is on finding minimal building blocks while maintaining the universal low-energy features of the emergent field-theories. Such formulations are of dual interest to future quantum simulation experiments, since they have small local Hilbert space dimensions and are naturally formulated in Hamiltonian language.