IQuS Publications

Snowmass Computational Frontier: Topical Group Report on Quantum Computing
Quantum computing will play a pivotal role in the High Energy Physics (HEP) science program over the early parts of the Twenty First Century, both as a major expansion of our capabilities across the Computational Frontier, and in synthesis with quantum sensing and quantum networks. This report outlines how Quantum Information Science (QIS) and HEP are deeply intertwined endeavors that benefit enormously from a strong engagement together.
A number of problems ranging from simulation of quantum field theories, to fully leveraging the most sensitive sensor suites for new particle searches, and even data analysis will run into limiting bottlenecks if constrained to our current computing paradigms. Easy early access to quantum computers is needed to build a deeper understanding of these connections and the opportunities for advancement. In turn, HEP brings crucial expertise to the national quantum ecosystem in quantum domain knowledge, materials science, cryogenic and fast electronics, and massive-scale project management. The role of quantum technologies across the entire economy and society at large is expected to grow rapidly over the next decade, so it is important to establish the role of HEP in the efforts surrounding QIS. Fully delivering on the promise of quantum technologies and the goals of the HEP science program requires robust support. It is important to invest in the co-design opportunities afforded by the broader quantum computing ecosystem by leveraging HEP strengths in QIS for materials, electronics, and theory with the goal of designing quantum computers tailored to HEP science.

Quantum Simulation for High-energy Physics
It is for the first time that quantum simulation for high-energy physics (HEP) is studied in the U.S. decadal particle-physics community planning, and in fact until recently, this was not considered a mainstream topic in the community. This fact speaks of a remarkable rate of growth of this subfield over the past few years, stimulated by the impressive advancements in quantum-information sciences (QIS) and associated technologies over the past decade, and the significant investment in this area by the government and private sectors in the U.S. and other countries. High-energy physicists have quickly identified problems of importance to our understanding of nature at the most fundamental level, from tiniest distances to cosmological extents, that are intractable with classical computers but may benefit from quantum advantage. They have initiated, and continue to carry out, a vigorous program in theory, algorithm, and hardware co-design for simulations of relevance to the HEP mission. This community whitepaper is an attempt to bring this exciting and yet challenging area of research to the spotlight, and to elaborate on what the promises, requirements, challenges, and potential solutions are over the next decade and beyond.
This whitepaper is prepared for the topical groups CompF6 (Quantum computing), TF05 (Lattice Gauge Theory), and TF10 (Quantum Information Science) within the Computational Frontier and Theory Frontier of the U.S. Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021).

From Asymptotic Freedom to Theta Vacua: Qubit Embeddings of the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model
Conventional lattice formulations of $\theta$ vacua in the $1+1$-dimensional $O(3)$ nonlinear sigma model suffer from a sign problem. Here, we construct the first sign-problem-free regularization for \emph{arbitrary} $\theta$. Using efficient lattice \ac{MC} computations, we demonstrate how a Hamiltonian model of spin-$\tfrac12$ degrees of freedom on a 2-dimensional spatial lattice reproduces both the infrared sector for arbitrary $\theta$, as well as the ultraviolet physics of asymptotic freedom. Furthermore, as a model of qubits on a two-dimensional square lattice with only nearest neighbor interactions, it is naturally suited for studying the physics of $\theta$ vacua and asymptotic freedom on near-term quantum devices. Our construction generalizes to $\theta$-vacua in all $\CP(N-1)$ models, solving a long standing sign problem.

Some Conceptual Aspects of Operator Design for Quantum Simulations of Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories
In the Kogut-Susskind formulation of lattice gauge theories, a set of quantum numbers resides at the ends of each link to characterize the vertex-local gauge field. We discuss the role of these quantum numbers in propagating correlations and generating entanglement that ensures each vertex remains gauge invariant, despite time evolution induced by operators with (only) partial access to each vertex Hilbert space. Applied to recent proposals for eliminating vertex-local Hilbert spaces in quantum simulation, we describe how the required entanglement is generated via delocalization of the time evolution operator with nearest-neighbor controls. These hybridizations, organized with qudits or qubits, exchange classical operator pre-processing for reductions in resource requirements that extend throughout the lattice volume.
(Contribution to proceedings of the 2021 Quantum Simulation for Strong Interactions (QuaSi) Workshops at the InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS))

Entanglement and correlations in fast collective neutrino flavor oscillations
Collective neutrino oscillations play a crucial role in transporting lepton flavor in astrophysical settings like supernovae and neutron star binary merger remnants, which are characterized by large neutrino densities. In these settings, simulations in the mean-field approximation show that neutrino-neutrino interactions can overtake vacuum oscillations and give rise to fast collective flavor evolution on time-scales t ~ μ-1, with μ proportional to the local neutrino density. In this work, we study the full out-of-equilibrium flavor dynamics in simple multi-angle geometries displaying fast oscillations. Focusing on simple initial conditions, we analyze the production of pair correlations and entanglement in the complete many-body-dynamics as a function of the number N of neutrinos in the system.
Similarly to simpler geometries with only two neutrino beams, we identify three regimes: stable configurations with vanishing flavor oscillations, marginally unstable configurations with evolution occurring at long time scales τ~μ-1√N and unstable configurations showing flavor evolution on short time scales τ~μ-1log(N). We present evidence that these fast collective modes are generated by the same dynamical phase transition which leads to the slow bipolar oscillations, establishing a connection between these two phenomena and explaining the difference in their time scales.
We conclude by discussing a semi-classical approximation which reproduces the entanglement entropy at short to medium time scales and can be potentially useful in situations with more complicated geometries where classical simulation methods starts to become inefficient.

Large-charge conformal dimensions at the O(N) Wilson-Fisher fixed point
Recent work using a large-charge effective field theory (EFT) for the O(N) Wilson-Fisher conformal field theory has shown that the anomalous dimensions of large-charge operators can be expressed in terms of a few low-energy constants (LECs) of the EFT. By performing lattice Monte Carlo computations at the O(N) Wilson-Fisher critical point, we compute the anomalous dimensions of large-charge operators up to charge Q=10, and extract the leading and subleading LECs of the O(N) large-charge EFT for N=2,4,6,8. To alleviate the signal-to-noise ratio problem present in the large-charge sector of conventional lattice formulations of the O(N) theory, we employ a recently developed qubit formulation of the O(N) nonlinear sigma models with a worm algorithm. This enables us to test the validity of the large-charge expansion, and the recent predictions of large-N expansion for the coefficients of the large-charge EFT.

Qubit regularized O(N) nonlinear sigma models
Motivated by the prospect of quantum simulation of quantum field theories, we formulate the O(N) nonlinear sigma model as a “qubit” model with an (N+1)-dimensional local Hilbert space at each lattice site. Using an efficient worm algorithm in the worldline formulation, we demonstrate that the model has a second-order critical point in 2+1 dimensions, where the continuum physics of the nontrivial O(N) Wilson-Fisher fixed point is reproduced. We compute the critical exponents nu and eta for the O(N) qubit models up to N=8, and find excellent agreement with known results in literature from various analytic and numerical techniques for the O(N) Wilson-Fisher universality class. Our models are suited for studying O(N) nonlinear sigma models on quantum computers up to N=8 in d=2,3 spatial dimensions.

Basic Elements for Simulations of Standard Model Physics with Quantum Annealers: Multigrid and Clock States
We explore the potential of D-Wave’s quantum annealers for computing basic components required for quantum simulations of Standard Model physics. By implementing a basic multigrid (including zooming) and specializing Feynman-clock algorithms, D-Wave’s Advantage is used to study harmonic and anharmonic oscillators relevant for lattice scalar field theories and effective field theories, the time evolution of a single plaquette of SU(3) Yang-Mills lattice gauge field theory, and the dynamics of flavor entanglement in four neutrino systems.

Time-dependent Hamiltonian Simulation Using Discrete Clock Constructions
In this work we provide a new approach for approximating an ordered operator exponential using
an ordinary operator exponential that acts on the Hilbert space of the simulation as well as a finite-
dimensional clock register. We show that as the number of qubits used for the clock grows, the error in
the ordered operator exponential vanishes, as well as the entanglement between the clock register and
the register of the state being acted upon. Hence, the clock is a convenient device that allows us to
translate results for simulating time-independent systems to the time-dependent case. As an application, we provide a new family of multiproduct formulas (MPFs) for time-dependent Hamiltonians that yield both commutator scaling and poly-logarithmic error scaling. This in turn, means that this method outperforms existing methods for simulating physically-local, time-dependent Hamiltonians. Finally, we apply the formalism to show how qubitization can be generalized to the time-dependent case and show that such a translation can be practical if the second derivative of the Hamiltonian is sufficiently small.

Nematic Confined Phases in the U(1) Quantum Link Model on a Triangular Lattice: An Opportunity for Near-Term Quantum Computations of String Dynamics on a Chip
The U(1) quantum link model on the triangular lattice has two rotation-symmetry-breaking nematic confined phases. Static external charges are connected by confining strings consisting of individual strands with fractionalized electric flux. The two phases are separated by a weak first order phase transition with an emergent almost exact SO(2) symmetry. We construct a quantum circuit on a chip to facilitate near-term quantum computations of the non-trivial string dynamics.