Preparation of the SU(3) Lattice Yang-Mills Vacuum with Variational Quantum Methods

Anthony Ciavarella, Ivan Chernyshev | arxiv.2112.09083

Studying QCD and other gauge theories on quantum hardware requires the preparation of physically interesting states. The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) provides a way of performing vacuum state preparation on quantum hardware. In this work, VQE is applied to pure SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills on a single plaquette and one dimensional plaquette chains. Bayesian optimization and gradient descent were investigated for performing the classical optimization. Ansatz states for plaquette chains are constructed in a scalable manner from smaller systems using domain decomposition and a stitching procedure analogous to the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). Small examples are performed on IBM’s superconducting Manila processor.

Classical and Quantum Evolution in a Simple Coherent Neutrino Problem

Joshua Martin, Alessandro Roggero, Huaiyu Duan, Joseph Carlson, Vincenzo Cirigliano | arxiv.2112.12686

The extraordinary neutrino flux produced in extreme astrophysical environments like the early universe, core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers may produce coherent quantum neutrino oscillations on macroscopic length scales. The Hamiltonian describing this evolution can be mapped into quantum spin models with all-to-all couplings arising from neutrino-neutrino forward scattering. To date many studies of these oscillations have been performed in a mean-field limit where the neutrinos time evolve in a product state.

We examine a simple two-beam model evolving from an initial product state and compare the mean-field and many-body evolution. The symmetries in this model allow us to solve the real-time evolution for the quantum many-body system for hundreds or thousands of spins, far beyond what would be possible in a more general case with an exponential number (2N) of quantum states. We compare mean-field and many-body solutions for different initial product states and ratios of one- and two-body couplings, and find that in all cases in the limit of infinite spins the mean-field (product state) and many-body solutions coincide for simple observables. This agreement can be understood as a consequence of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian and the initial energy distribution of the product states. We explore quantum information measures like entanglement entropy and purity of the many-body solutions, finding intriguing relationships between the quantum information measures and the dynamical behavior of simple physical observables.

Causality and dimensionality in geometric scattering

Silas Beane, Roland Farrell | arxiv.2112.02733

The scattering matrix which describes low-energy,
non-relativistic scattering of two species of spin-1/2 fermions
interacting via finite-range potentials can be obtained from a
geometric action principle in which space and time do not appear
explicitly arXiv:2011.01278. In the case of zero-range
forces, constraints imposed by
causality –requiring that the scattered wave not be emitted before
the particles have interacted– translate into non-trivial
geometric constraints on scattering trajectories in the geometric
picture. The dependence of scattering on the number of spatial dimensions
is also considered; by varying from three to two spatial dimensions, the
dependence on spatial dimensionality in the geometric picture is
found to be encoded in the phase of the harmonic potential that appears in
the geometric action.

UV/IR symmetries of the S-matrix and RG flow

Silas Beane, Roland Farrell | arxiv.2112.03472

The low energy S-matrix which describes non-relativistic two-body
scattering arising from finite-range forces has UV/IR symmetries
that are hidden in the corresponding effective field theory (EFT) action.
It is shown that the S-matrix symmetries are manifest as geometric properties
of the RG flow of the coefficients of local operators in the EFT action.

Symmetries of the nucleon-nucleon S-matrix and effective field theory expansions

Silas Beane, Roland Farrell | arxiv.2112.05800

The s-wave nucleon-nucleon (NN) scattering matrix
(S-matrix) exhibits UV/IR symmetries which are hidden in the
effective field theory (EFT) action and scattering amplitudes, and
which explain some interesting generic features of the phase
shifts. These symmetries offer clarifying interpretations of
existing pionless EFT expansions, and suggest starting points for
novel expansions. The leading-order (LO) S-matrix obtained in the
pionless EFT with scattering lengths treated exactly is shown to
have a UV/IR symmetry which leaves the sum of s-wave phase shifts
invariant. A new scheme, which treats effective range corrections
exactly, and which possesses a distinct UV/IR symmetry at LO, is
developed up to NLO (next-to-LO) and compared with data.

Quantum Error Correction with Gauge Symmetries

Abhishek Rajput, Alessandro Roggero, Nathan Wiebe | arxiv.2112.05186

Quantum simulations of Lattice Gauge Theories (LGTs) are often formulated on an enlarged Hilbert space containing both physical and unphysical sectors in order to retain a local Hamiltonian. We provide simple fault-tolerant procedures that exploit such redundancy by combining a phase flip error correction code with the Gauss’ law constraint to correct one-qubit errors for a Z2 or truncated U(1) LGT in 1+1 dimensions with a link flux cutoff of 1. Unlike existing work on detecting violations of Gauss’ law, our circuits are fault tolerant and the overall error correction scheme outperforms a naive application of the [5,1,3] code. The constructions outlined can be extended to LGT systems with larger cutoffs and may be of use in understanding how to hybridize error correction and quantum simulation for LGTs in higher space-time dimensions and with different symmetry groups.

Entanglement Structures in Quantum Field Theories: Negativity Cores and Bound Entanglement in the Vacuum

Natalie Klco, Douglas Beck, Martin Savage | 2110.10736 [quant-ph]

The many-body entanglement between two finite (size-d) disjoint vacuum regions of noninteracting lattice scalar field theory in one spatial dimension, i.e., a (dA×dB)mixed Gaussian continuous variable system, is locally transformed into a tensor-product core of (1A×1B)mixed entangled pairs. Accessible entanglement within these core pairs exhibits an exponential hierarchy and as such identifies the structure of dominant region modes from which vacuum entanglement could be extracted into a spatially separated pair of quantum detectors. Beyond the core, the remaining modes of the halo are determined to be AB separable in isolation, as well as separable from the core. However, state preparation protocols that distribute entanglement in the form of (1A×1B)mixed core pairs are found to require additional entanglement in the halo that is obscured by classical correlations. This inaccessible (bound) halo entanglement is found to mirror the accessible entanglement, but with a step behavior as the continuum is approached. It remains possible that alternate initialization protocols that do not utilize the exponential hierarchy of core-pair entanglement may require less inaccessible entanglement. Entanglement consolidation is expected to persist in higher dimensions and may aid classical and quantum simulations of asymptotically free gauge field theories, such as quantum chromodynamics.

Nuclear two point correlation functions on a quantum computer

Alessandro Baroni, Joseph Carlson, Rajan Gupta, Andy Li, Gabriel Perdue, Alessandro Roggero | arXiv:2111.02982

The calculation of dynamic response functions are expected to be an early application benefiting from rapidly developing quantum hardware resources. The ability to calculate real-time quantities of strongly-correlated quantum systems is one of the most exciting applications that can easily reach beyond the capabilities of traditional classical hardware. Response functions of fermionic systems at moderate momenta and energies corresponding roughly to the Fermi energy of the system are a potential early application because the relevant operators are nearly local and the energies can be resolved in moderately short real time, reducing the spatial resolution and gate depth required.

This is particularly the case in quasielastic electron and neutrino scattering from nuclei, a topic of great interest in the nuclear and particle physics communities and directly related to experiments designed to probe neutrino properties. In this work we use current hardware to calculate response functions for a highly simplified nuclear model through calculations of a 2-point real time correlation function for a Fermi-Hubbard model in two dimensions with three distinguishable nucleons on four lattice sites on current quantum hardware, and evaluate current error mitigation strategies.

Spectral density reconstruction with Chebyshev polynomials

Alessandro Roggero, Joanna Sobczyk | arXiv:2110.02108

Accurate calculations of the spectral density in a strongly correlated quantum many body system are of fundamental importance to study many-particle dynamics in the linear response regime. Typical examples are the calculation of inclusive and semi-exclusive scattering cross sections in atomic nuclei and transport properties of nuclear and neutron star matter. Integral transform techniques have played an important role in accessing the spectral density in a variety of nuclear systems. However, their accuracy is in practice limited by the need to perform a numerical inversion which is often ill-conditioned.
In order to circumvent this problem, a quantum algorithm based on an appropriate expansion in Chebyshev polynomials was recently proposed. In the present work we build on this idea. We show how to perform controllable reconstructions of the spectral density over a finite energy resolution with rigorous error estimates while allowing for efficient simulations on classical computers. We apply our idea to simple model response functions and comment on the applicability of the method to study realistic systems using scalable nuclear many-body methods.

Hybridized Methods for Quantum Simulation in the Interaction Picture

Abhishek Rajput, Alessandro Roggero, Nathan Wiebe | arXiv:2109.03308

Conventional methods of quantum simulation involve trade-offs that limit their applicability to specific contexts where their use is optimal. This paper demonstrates how different simulation methods can be hybridized to improve performance for interaction picture simulations over known algorithms. These approaches show asymptotic improvements over the individual methods that comprise them and further make interaction picture simulation methods practical in the near term. Physical applications of these hybridized methods yields a gate complexity scaling as log²Λ in the electric cutoff Λ for the Schwinger Model and independent of the electron density for collective neutrino oscillations, outperforming the scaling for all current algorithms with these parameters. For the general problem of Hamiltonian simulation subject to dynamical constraints, these methods yield a query complexity independent of the penalty parameter λ used to impose an energy cost on time-evolution into an unphysical subspace.